Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by our friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “Would appreciate it if everyone would shoot straight with me. Even if it hurts.” – (If I shoot straight at you it’ll really hurt.)
2.) “had a fabulous senior session tonight!” – (Is that worse than a senior moment?)
3.) “Amazing shows so far. Heading to France in the morning! All I want right now is my mommy and a fatty burrito with a HUGE sweet tea” – (Some people just weren’t cut out for life on the road.)
4.) “But, but I’m disturbed! I’m depressed! I’m inadequate! I got it all!!”

5.) “can someone mail me a burrito please?” – (I’ll send it from Shipotle.)
6.) “Anyone going to the Dove Awards next week?” – (I am not a dove.)
7.) “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.
8.) “thanks to my hubby for cleaning the bathrooms tonight….and it only took 2 weeks of asking!!!” – (I imagine he’s been a bit lonely the past several nights, I wonder if he learned the hard way?)

9.) “Today: you are slower than molasses and I hate you.”
10.) “God always finishes what he starts…… thankful for that :)” – (Me too! Sometimes I start these Facebook statuses posts and don’t feel like finishing them, but I do.)

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