C.E. (chronic earliness) can effect anyone, but most people who deal with it have been dealing with it for years. I used to be one of “those people”, arriving too early and sitting around for 20 or 30 minutes. I sat around because I am not an over-achiever. The mix of over-achieving and chronic earliness would be a perfect storm… or my wife. She gets up and heads out to places 30 minutes before she is supposed to be there, it only takes 15 minutes to get there!!

I guess it is not a real big deal, that is, till she wakes me up for her addiction… addiction to earliness! You only have a problem if you start affecting other people, no matter if they see it or not. So when I get a wake up call that is a full hour before “take off” then I get a little excited.

I fixed my problem of chronic earliness by realizing that earliness will only get me nothing to do. There is only so much prep work one can do before the clients reach the gym. I had to relax a little bit and not get stressed out about it. I don’t think my wife is stressed, but she could really relax. Getting up too early makes for a long day.

If you think you may have this problem then you should know that there is a solution to this problem. Hot coffee! Yes, hot coffee on your face will put everything into perspective. You will no longer worry about leaving on time and worry about your eyes melting out of your head. This also works with ice in the crotch, repeated slaps to the face and maybe a kick in the chin or punch in the jeans.

Settle down, there is no need for so much rushy rushy!