There is something about slipping hot sauce under my son’s ketchup that makes me laugh till milk comes out my nose. It reminds me of the pranking that I have done to my old buddy Steve. I have pranked old Steve so much that all I have to do is call him and say “dude, check your pillow” and he will pull off all his sheets, pillow cases, and blankets and burn them all in suspicion of pranking. It’s nice to know that all your hard work has paid off, so much so, that you don’t have to actually do anything.

Slipping hot sauce into my kid’s food is funny, but putting it in the ketchup bottle lid is just priceless. Try it and see if you don’t laugh till you pee a little in your pants. His face fills with joy as he is so excited to destroy some ketchup with a handful of homemade fries. Then, after a hearty dip, his face turns to one of fear. Then, as the food falls out of his mouth, you are at such a high that you laugh uncontrollably when he yells, “I hate you dad!”. After that incident, of course all I have to do now is look at him and he starts crying, then his mother has to tell him that I didn’t do anything because we don’t even have any hot sauce.

Imagine my excitement when I had a client bring me some cinnamon-chile-chocolate from a local chocolatier. This chocolate was spicy and maybe even a little hot, I liked it as did my youngest, but the wife and my oldest actually spit it out. My oldest ran to the water before he spit his out, his reaction was just what I had hoped for. I got the “look” from the wife. This look suggested that I was too mean for my own good, I assured her that it was hereditary. Then I reminded her of the flaming burrito of 95‘.

Give your kids spicy food! It’s a riot and who knows, maybe in the future they will actually thank you for it, it’s not likely, but one can hope, right?