Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by our friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “What did the bi-polar bookworm say?’ – (I am one hot worm, yes I am! Damn it’s cold out!)
2.) “What to do, what to do.” – (About.)
3.) “citizen cope’s “bullet and a target” is so SICK. SICK SICK SICK!!!! it makes me want to DOMINATE!!!” – (That’s my name, don’t wear it out!)
4.) “back in the saddle again” – (Well I’m back on the saddle again, I hope I’m not sitting on you.)
5.) “Beets make it fun to go to the bathroom” – (Beets can help take the browns to the super bowl by going through the red sea.)
6.) “Look to the cookie Elaine, look to the cookie”

7.) “Let the wild rumpus begin!” – (What’s a rumpus? My goal is to use that word at some point in normal discussion this week. “Hey people, what’s all the rumpus about??”)
8.) “Help us fund our new record!” – (I helped this band fund their record and so should you, click here!)
9.) “Being pushy might just get you pushed.” – (Don’t push me, push a push pop!)

10.) “Today is lame facebook status day.” – (Couldn’t agree more, because I had to post this to round out my Top 10.)

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