You are walking. It is cold outside. The sub-zero temperatures make you bury your face beneath your scarf such that the scarf is wet with the moisture of your breath. At least your breath smells good.

Most evenings you wander about South Minneapolis taking in the sights and sounds. You think, “not all who wander are lost”, which is true in your situation since you have a plan to your wandering, and therefore it is not really wandering at all. Tetall.

Your experience of walking in the cold, the snow crunching under your feet, is an experience that is intended to help you experience. Experience what? Ah, life. You experience life in new ways and life through new eyes. Of course, the experience of life that comes from your experience of walking, also continues to manifest itself after the actual experience itself, as well as, being related in different forms such as thought, speech, and writing. So, in this manner, the experience becomes many experiences.

However, I would not be so foolish to think that all things in life would be worth experiencing for the sake of experiencing them and thereby seeing life in new ways and through new eyes. Right? That would be stupid. Right?

Since we cannot un-experience our experiences, there are some truly damaging experiences that, despite the ability to see life in a new light, the new light may actually be a darkness. I hope you are with me, because this all makes complete sense.

I am getting kind of sidetracked, I mean, you are getting sidetracked. We were talking about you, and your wandering at night. Part of the point is getting sidetracked, is it not? Being available to be sidetracked is part of the plan, although, getting sidetracked is not always a good thing either. It takes some discernment to know when it is appropriate to be sidetracked. Wisdom, wisdom too, it goes hand in hand with discernment. They like to hold hands when they are walking and wandering around town.

So that my dear friends is what you should do, wander with wisdom and discernment, and possibly, maybe, thereby not wander at all. And who knows, maybe you would like a good laugh while reading about someone who is walking downhill both ways in South Minneapolis. Not quite the type of laughs that you will get from reading Terry’s textual gold in Crying Women, Spicy Food, Buying Feminine Products, Cutting Down A Tree, A New Car, or Men’s Restroom Etiquitte… but still.

What an experience!