Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by our friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “seriously. Lost tonight. I have tears.” – (You should have just called someone and asked for directions???)
2.) “Going to see P.O.S. tonight at Bowery, set at 1030 – anyone in NYC come out!” – (Why go there when I can show ya a P.O.S. in my toilet.)
3.) “Matchbox 20 is the McDonald’s of music. Not a bad snack once a month, but a steady diet of it will make you sick to your stomach.”

4.) “You think people will still be using napkins in the year two-thousand?” – (I guess we really haven’t advanced all that much.)
5.) “Ben Roethlisberger finally broke. The only player left on the Steelers team, that wasn’t a thug…. Now he is the biggest chump of all. They are the NFL’s version of the prison team on the longest yard.” – (Now everyone can stop calling my Bengals a bunch of thugs, it’s no surprise that the Squeelers have more hoodlums.)
6.) “will always remain grounded.” – (Afraid to fly?)
7.) “Im about to get #LOST” – (Then stop where you are and ask for directions! Sheesh, come on people!)
8.) “Please copy and paste this to your status if you know someone, or have been affected by someone, who needs a punch in the face. People who need a punch in the face affect the lives of many. There is still no known cure for someone who needs a punch in the face, except a punch in the face, but we can raise awareness!” – (We thought we would do our part in spreading the word.)

9.) “is going somewhere slowly – instead of going nowhere fast.” – (And if you’re on this website the ride just got a bit slower.)
10.) “God’s grace is sufficient for me…and everybody!” – (True that!)”

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