So, you are thinking about a career change huh? Well, let me be the first to tell you to avoid international espionage. Trust me, it is not as glamorous as it seems.

Sure it sounds cool, and it has its moments of danger and excitement, but in the end it leaves you strung out with no friends and living a life of constant compromise.

You spend weeks, months, and years studying your target, and most likely your target has been studying you as well. Finally the time arrives when you will come into close proximity, which of course can be extremely dangerous, but also invaluable for gaining invaluable intel.

Once you are in close proximity with the target, you must keep all your wits about you. You must remain vigilant and observant so that no signs are left unnoticed or unheeded. Due to the intense study of the individual, targets of opposite gender often fall in love. Then, when they are no longer in close proximity, the relationship is faced with the brutality of the occupation torn in pieces by the maddening love affair which is made worse by the distance that separates the fated lovers.

How would I know, you ask? I have been there. They say hindsight is 20/20, I wish it were 20/200, that way the past would be blurry. Alas, take my advice, leave the life of espionage, marry the girl/guy and if you must, move to a remote island where no one will find you.