Sometimes we write blogs out of frustration, or just cause we need to vent. Such is the occassion right now. The whole invitation scene in Nashville drives me caarazy.

I was unaware of such levels of invitation craziness until I moved to Nashville. Do you know what I am talking about? The whole, “I didn’t get invited so I am going to be hurt and upset” thing? At first, I thought it might be just girls… cause you know about women and drama… BUT NO… guys participate in this craziness too.

There are several reasons, why people getting upset about not getting invited to an event, bother me.

First, the only time I use the “I didn’t get invited” line is when I don’t want to go somewhere that I didn’t get invited to and people are asking me if I am going. I find that not getting invited is a good excuse to not go somewhere.

Second, if I want to go somewhere or do something, I usually talk to someone or do something to make it happen. You know… stuff like being friendly. Like being a good friend. You know.

Third, I think it would do everyone a lot of good if, instead of getting upset when not getting invited to something, they would point the finger at themselves. That is, people should always think that it is their fault for not getting invited. Yeah, I said it. Always think it is your fault for not getting invited and see how you can improve because, come on, you just don’t cut it. As my friend Terry says: think of it like a football game and the coach isn’t putting you in cause you got no skills.

Fourth, really? I mean, really? You are going to get upset about not getting invited? It is no big deal about going to something and not going to something. I go and not go to things all the time. It’s like my pops used to say “there’s always another sale”.

BUT DAD, WE ARE NOT GOING TO EVER SEE THE ITEM AT THIS PRICE AGAIN. There’s always another sale. So, what to do about not getting invited? Get busy. You know, get busy loving, giving, learning, growing, and changing! Not like, get busy get busy… but like get busy. AND, wait patiently for the next sale.

I don’t know if you are thinking what I am thinking or if what I am thinking is what I think I am thinking. Do you think he is using the same wind as us?