You are thinking “I want to go out to dinner tonight”. So you do… and you find the best place. After you wait about 30 minutes you get seated. After you get seated you order your drink, your drink comes and you decide to lean in and tell your friend a funny joke. You then place your elbows on the table and that’s when it happens.

Your drink gets shaken by the unstable table and dumps all over you or your friends. It enough to make you wanna haul off and slap your mother!! There is always a wobbly table no matter how nice the place is.

Can you just have stable tables? I went to a great place the other day with my homies. It was real nice… nice tvs, nice chairs… an all around great place. But alas, the tables were still rocky, much to my surprise mind you, not as rocky as most, but still rocky. I look down and find 5 drink coasters under one leg. That’s when my buddy says “that’s how you fix it”. Coasters?!

Well, I guess it works and that’s all that matters. If you are wondering what to do about wobbly tables, bring your coasters and a towel just in case.