Pay attention now. I am going to give you the answer to this WTDA right away. Always give the wave while driving.

You know what I’m talking about? You are driving along the way, having a nice day, the traffic is really tight and someone in the lane next to you puts on their blinker and wants to get over into your lane. You, being the gentleman that you are (or gentlylady), make room for the person to safely merge into your lane. If all goes as it should, you then receive a wave of the hand from the other driver that says, “thank you for letting me over, I appreciate you”.

Since moving from Ohio to Tennessee I noticed several things that were notably different about the cultures. Yes, I noticed things that were notably different. Allow me to mention a couple.

First, people in Tennessee are notably nicer than people in the north. I make my comparisons mostly from experiences in Ohio, but also plenty in Chicago and New York City. People in the south are just nice, chalk it up to southern charm or whatever, but also… they are horrible drivers.

Is there some connection here? Being nice and being a terrible driver? Or being not as nice and being a better driver? WtdaTerry is a great driver and he is nice… fairly nice anyway.

Also, since moving to Tennessee I never get the wave of the hand that says, “thank you for letting me over, I appreciate you”. Therefore it has made me that much more zealous to give the wave… you know, to set a good example. If people are so much nicer in the south, and they are, then why don’t they give the wave. It just doesn’t make sense. It is like “Who leaves a country packed with ponies to come to a non-pony country? It doesn’t make sense.. am I wrong?”

So, as it happens, I was traveling up to Ohio for the recent Christmas festivities with family and such… and I kid you not, no sooner had I crossed state lines, there was some poor soul needing to get over into my lane. As we drove in sight of the comely skyline of the Queen City, I made room for my fellow driver to get in front of me. A freindly wave and acknowledgement was made. I smiled. How nice.

The south needs to learn to wave while driving. Always give the wave while driving. When in doubt give the wave.

Now, just another quick note, the wave is a full handed wave… there are no individual fingers, you know, standing out in the wave. It is completely good-hearted.

Come on, be the change you want to see in the world!