Ever been on the highway? I thought so! Well then I am sure you have merged a time or two. There are no laws as to how and when to merge but there are some unsaid rules. The unsaid rules are about to be said, yeah… That’s right, I said it!

Getting on the highway really isn’t that hard, but alas, some people really do make it that way, hard. I think it’s fun to watch people enter, especially the ones who are mad. They are not mad for any certain reason they just ooze anger. How do I know? Because they are usually yelling at their windsheild, or giving their steering wheel a severe tongue lashing. This lashing happens before they even get into merge position. Laughable I tell ya, laughable!!

So you want to know the untold secrets? The unsaid rules of the road as it pertains to merging? Well, let me tell you what merging doesn’t involve.

Merging doesn’t involve:

Brake lights
No signal drifting
Horn honking
Low speeds
Middle fingers
Cursing anyone’s mother

You can just about tell what to do when merging by reading the don’ts. I know you like it when I point out the obvious so I will tell you the untold secrets of merging. The unsaid rules of the road!

When merging please remember:

The accelorator is on the right
There is no room for brake lights
Screaming at the car next to you will not make up for your short comings, no matter how loud you get and how much you move your hands.
Use your signal
Use the whole length of the ramp

That’s it! I know it’s simple really! Just commit to following these rules. You do that and you will not go wrong! Rmemeber that the entrance ramp is your runway, hit the gas! Use these untold secrets of merging, the unsaid rules of the road with respect… and wisely.