Hey there, how are you? Good to know, I hope that rash heals up for you. I once heard that lemon juice was good for that but I could be wrong, still, you should try it.

Aside from rashes, what makes you uncomfortable? Cold makes me uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean I will turn on the heat… nope, quite the opposite! I will try to keep it off as long as I can, it’s a yearly tradition or should I say a semi-annual tradition.

Either way you look at it it’s cold in here! I don’t consider myself cheap but this could be cheapness at it’s best, or it could be a shear will power project. I think it is a will power project really, we can make it two whole months without heat. How bad could it be really? So long as the wife is not complaining and the kids are not turning blue we are cool, in more ways than one. My goal is always to try and hold out for two months but I usually buckle at 1.5 months. Not this time, I am going all the way!

This happens in the summer too, hence the semi-annual tradition. The summer is easier as the warmer it gets the more naked I get. Too bad I can’t get my wife to follow the same concept, getting her to take off her clothes is like waiting for one of the british guards to move, you know, the ones at the palace? Well picture a female version about 5’9″ holding her belt with no facial expression, that’s my wife. I digress… in the springtime you can open the windows and turn on fans to cool down, but not in the winter, obviously.

We have actually found ourselves outside warming up and then going back inside the house to cool down. This process goes on for a couple of days. When the sun gets really warm in the late fall, around 60 then the house warms up to a comfortable 65 degrees, it’s nice.

So when will I turn on the heat? Well I am shooting for December 1st, but will try to hold out till Christmas, so long as there is no snow falling or pipes freezing.

Happy heating!
Tis the season for spooning!
Time for some hot chocolate,
poured all over my body!
Pass the hot sauce my cereal is getting cold!
Oooo the toilet water is really warm!