Some people would like to not have to pay for gas… actually, everyone would like to not have to pay for gas. In a perfect world everything would be free… the beer would flow like wine and women would instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.

I think if you’re tired of paying these high prices for gas then you can do what I do‚Ķ it‚Äôs called grab n‚Äô go. It‚Äôs great‚Ķ although, there are a few requirements. You will need to remove your license plates or at the very least, use caution when pumping your gas. There are a great number of video cameras nowadays. Also, you will need to look like you are going to pay‚Ķ you know, have that ‚ÄúI am happy to be alive‚Äù look. Now you are ready. You simply pull up to the pump, smile‚Ķ and drive like you‚Äôve been shot nine times (props to 50 cent). This might seem a little excessive for some people‚Ķ well, I guess it could be.

We should examine other ways perhaps, ways that are less… dangerous. How about the bus? Hmm, yeah that sounds good, you can see the city in all of its glory. You will need to plan accordingly as most bus stops are out in the elements. The time seems to be somewhat of and issue as well. A good three hours ahead of schedule is right for most routes. Also, allow plenty of time to arrive at your destination. I am sure some of you are having reservations about the bus as well. Buses are not always the safest mode of transportation but you must admit its safer than grab n’ go. So if you choose this mode of transportation you will need to examine your exits from the local bus, especially after dark. Another helpful hint… I always sit toward the front to ensure that I can make a quick exit when the gunfire erupts from a drug deal gone bad in the back of the bus. Oh yeah I forgot, carry no cash on the bus, but you will need some tokens. I would keep them in bulk, stored in a sock or sactchel so you can swing them with ease when the time comes.

Eh, not so much huh… OK, lets keep working on this. What about car-pooling. Yes!… finally, a solution to the ever-present gas prices crisis (huh that sounds funny). I personally like this one because you can practice your social skills or catch a nap. The possibilities are endless. The ever-changing social climate will supply you with much to talk about. I think I prefer the nap though… it can be hard to sleep when you’re not driving, but practice will make this perfect. I mean how else can we positively effect the environment and save money. Problems… although they are few, you should still be aware of your surroundings even while car-pooling. I like to think of everybody as felons and plan around that. Most are not, but you can never be too sure. Everyone has been to prison at one point in their life… it just depends on which one they chose. My prison was the bus. Seriously, that bus paragraph was rough.

On a brighter note, we should all understand that we live in the wealthiest country in the world. We are lucky to be even driving a car. Most people in the world have never ridden in a car. This fact alone would make you at the very least a wealthy person in most other countries. We could joke or complain about the price of gas all day, but what would that make us… a tired generation which been spoiled in this wonderful United States of America. This country was not always free, we had to die for the right to bitch and moan. Remember that when you think you are paying too much for gas, you could walk… and still be free and live without stress of being killed for your creed, color, or religious views.

The truth of the matter is that most of world either does not share our freedoms with regard to driving and if they do, they are paying much higher prices for gas than we are. So in closing, if prices are too high for you, don’t complain about it, use your brain and change your circumstances through creativity and common sense.