I am not one of those people who need 5 cups of coffee to get through the day, I am also not one who drinks coffee every day, but I do enjoy an occasional cup to perk me up and get my juices flowing. One thing that I personally have discovered is that drinking coffee past 8pm is a bad bad (that’s double bad) idea!

Drinking coffee at night is pretty much me making a decision to be awake til 3am or sentencing myself to a restless night of sleep with frequent trips to the bathroom. If you are my friend and we are hanging out after 8pm please please (that’s a double please) do not let me drink coffee, at least not caffeinated coffee. Please tell me that it is for my own good and that I need to get my rest and sleep later that night. Please remind me that if I do not get my sleep I will be a crank the next day and feel so tired due to my lack of sleep the night before. You can also remind me that I will be susceptible to getting sick because a lack of sleep weakens my immune system and I tend to require more sleep than the average person.

If I plan in advance to stay up really late at night, say for example I have a test I need to study for the next day, or I am off the next day and have no plans except to sleep in then yes, drinking a cup of coffee after 8pm is not the worst thing I could do. If I am driving somewhere far away and need to stay awake then drinking coffee after 8pm is a great great (that‚Äôs a double great) idea. If I am driving long distance at night then drinking coffee will help ensure the safety of myself and the other passengers traveling with me, so if you know me and I am driving late at night, please buy me a cup of coffee. If my brother Tim is driving, please please please (that‚Äôs a triple please) buy him a cup of coffee, even if it is before 8pm…he seems to sleep better behind a wheel than he does in his own bed.

Well I think this article has been informative and will help you help me, yes it will help you help me (that’s a double ‘help you help me’) make better decisions in regards to my coffee drinking habits.