I kind of enjoy raking some leaves. I used to work at a landscape company… I know, I know, you have heard this before. No really, I worked there and had a big backpack blower and a hand held blower in the other hand. Now you are really moving some leaves! I was like a tornado with legs. Those days are over and since then I have been raking with my trusty leaf rake.

What kind of rake does a former landscape pro use? A metal one that has long tines and firm handle (thats what she said). I can throw leaves with a good metal leaf rake, not a plastic one. It is like comparing a push mower to a weed eater. The plastic ones will always come loose at the handle and break but a good metal one will take you three or four seasons.

What will take you 5-10 seasons is what I like to call the fruit of my loins or… my son. He has finally come of age. What age? The age of asking for money! So he has come of the age of working with his hands till they bleed, i.e. raking my leaves!

I have to tell you the first time I let him help with cutting the grass I realized how good I had it. Now… now I am in awe of the possibilities! I mean, had someone told me that fatherhood would be this great,¬† I would have done it sooner! I mean it is quite a feeling to see your boy doing some of your chores. I dream of the day when he can do them all, with the exception of touching my car. This will take a little more time, as he doesn’t see the value in something he can’t drive.

I will show my boy the best and fastest way to rake the leaves and pay him minimally. It’s how you work your way up the manchain, it’s like the food chain but it works more intricately. Given the nature of the male anatomy it can be quite hard to explain, so I won’t.

Make your kids rake the leaves, then burn the leaves while enjoying some high quality brew. Good times man, good times! It was worth the $5 I paid the boy to rake the 1.5 acres.