I really like front porches. We just moved into a really old house that has a big front porch. I have never had one before… I almost don’t know what to do about it. I want to get a porch swing and sit out there and make fun of the cars and people passing by. Sounds like fun doesn’t it? I haven’t spent too much time out there yet cause I can’t make sarcastic and crazy comments all to myself now can I. I need someone to hear the craziness.

There is something about a front porch though… seriously. It’s like everyone in the world is so busy living life that we never have time to just sit on the front porch like the old days. Of course there are those sections of town where all everyone does is sit on the front porch and yell at you as you walk around the neighborhood trying to do your job… can I get an amen… anyone, anyone… Terry? Dave?

So the front porch is really a metaphor. A deep, deep, meaningful metaphor. So bring a cigar, an iced tea, or some homemade lemonade made from organic lemons and raw honey with a bit of mint and basil… and we shall sit and talk about what that metaphor is.

I think people should really schedule time for the front porch. We schedule time for everything else these days. We are scheduled by our schedules… why does that sound so good and so funny at the same time. So schedule time away from your schedule in order to not be completely controlled by your schedule. Then when you are sitting on the front porch, sit there longer than you scheduled… thereby breaking your schedule and stickin it to the man… or the schedule if you will.

The final word of wisdom to you: If you have a front porch, don’t let it just sit there in the front… go sit there with it. If you do not have the luxury of a front porch, go over to your friends house and sit on their porch with them… just make sure you call and schedule it, cause their schedule might be a bit crazy and then you could screw up their schedule and your schedule. Then everyone would have to go out on the front porch and redo their schedules for the whole year.

*this article was featured on September 14, 2007