I just wanted to let everyone know that WTDA Terry wears gray pajama pants with skiers, igloos, and snowflakes on them. I am actually looking at them right now as I type this article and the skiers actually look like polar bears but they might be dogs or some type of arctic bird. Weird.

I should probably also mention that Terry does not go out and purchase these pajama pants with his own hard earned money, no, if he did that I would have less respect for him. I am told that Terry regularly receives these interesting pajama pants from his mother-in-law and I have respect for him because he is secure in his manhood. We often hang out at Terry’s house and write these interesting articles together and Terry seems completely comfortable with himself. He wears his black house slippers and winter-themed pajama pants with confidence, he doesn’t care what we might be thinking about his apparel. I like that.


Anyways, this article is mostly written for us WTDAers (WTDA Tim and myself), so that later in the future when we start thinking to ourselves: “what is Terry thinking wearing those silly pants with igloos and snowflakes on them?” We can read this article and remember that Terry doesn’t care what we think, he is comfortable and he is his own man. Shouldn’t I be just as comfortable? Yes, yes I should.

Have a good night friends.