Have you ever played this game of Tetris? If you have then you know how fun it can be, it’s down right addictive. I first got a hold of this game on the old Nintendo game systems of the early 90’s. A bond was quickly built between us. The days passed, then the years, soon I kind of forgot about the game, that is, until I got an iphone.

Finding the game on the iphone has rekindled a love for a game that I thought I grew out of. Much to my surprise the attraction has never died. The game is so addictive that I find myself playing it all the time, even when there is a football game on or one of my favorite shows. I will pick it up and play during a commercial and before you know it I am lost in a land of building blocks and ticking clocks.

The game has been such a part of my life that I have become really good at moving, I can stack boxes with the best of them. I have friends calling me all the time to help them move… well, it might have something to do with my ability to back a 23 foot uhaul truck into the crack of your ass. But I digress.

Tetris is a simple game and maybe that is why I like it, because I am a simple dude and easily entertained. Playing this game has really done nothing for me but made me of high demand for moving. SO is there any benefit at all?

Nope. But I don’t care! I am going to build stuff with pixel blocks till the cows come home, because it makes me happy. What I am going to do about this problem is get a bigger game and play it on my TV. This will surely help me to stop staring at my iphone. Right?