This topic is something that most people never think about until they are stopped behind a car at an intersection waiting on other cars to go. But this is MY problem! I live here in Nashville, TN, the place where dreams die!… And so will some tennessean drivers if I don’t get a little bit of cooperation. I mean, really?

I know there are a lot of transplants in this fair city, I being one of them. It just seems to me that when traffic laws differ from state to state you should replace the inconsistencies with logic, yes I know what a brilliant idea. The problem is, every state has their crap drivers but it seems like all those crap drivers have dreams of music success and end up here… stopped in front of me at an intersection with a green light and nothing coming waiting on them to turn left.

Maybe the problem is not logic or common sense at all, maybe it’s too much day-dreaming about hitting it big in music. That could be, I mean, before Faith Hill was a mutli-million record selling hottie do you think she was sitting at a green light not moving? If so, I sure didn’t wait for her to go, I drove out from behind her and went around. There is no time for dreaming about “what if?” when driving… so knock it off!

Let me create a scenario for you. I am sitting at a light waiting to turn left (obviously) and there are a few cars in front of me. This light has a turn arrow but does not say “left turn signal only”. It cycles from the arrow to a straight green light then back to red. You know? Like most lights across this fruited plain. So when you get behind a half dozen cars and they get the green arrow to let them loose they all get through except one. This is the guy or girl that wants to stop, at the line mind you, even though we are green to go. They stop and sit there, like they are waiting on cars but there are no cars coming. I get out and go around.

I am not the road rage type but there are some things that just get me and that’s one of them. Even when you have a turn only signal you have people that stop short of the light changing when there is a good 20 seconds for two more additional cars to get through. Makes me crazy!

So if you are reading this wondering “what can I do to prevent this?” First you can “STOP DOING IT“. Second tell your friends to “STOP DOING IT“. And third, tell your family to “STOP DOING IT“.

Thank you and goodbye!