Surely you don‚Äôt want the iphone? Are we really a culture of technology whores that feed on the next big technological advancement? I think there are more of us out there that are content just having some wireless signal to ‚Äúborrow‚Äù from our neighbors. I mean really what is there to gain from all those features? What are they anyway? I heard something about the iphone playing music, that‚Äôs great and all, but I can hear the music just fine from the dude in the car next to me. The only problem with that… his license plate keeps vibrating like‚Ķ well you know‚Ķa phone, or something. Can there be anything to gain from being able to check on anything at any time? Isn‚Äôt that what the newspaper is for? Or your best friend that works at home with Internet access? They are great friends.

We should be worrying more about things that are really important like high taxes, homeless shelters, fantasy football or Ethiopian chefs that appear at Oprah’s fund raiser for the former first lady Hillary Clinton. I thought Ethiopians weren’t eating anything, I mean my mom was always telling me that if I don’t eat my vegetables some kids over there would starve or something. Now, I realize there are starving people in the world… of course, but I bet I would know what they are eating now if I had an iphone, yep that’s it.

There is one last thing about the iphone that concerns me; the price! What is it… something like $600 dollars? I think it’s more like 666, the end of the world, and Steve Jobs is the anti-christ. While we all work to get that money to pay our house payments there are people spending that money on technology. I think we are being brain washed by uncle Steve. Besides, think of all the things that you could do with that money….hold on a second, I just got an email. It’s from my friend with the Internet…he says, no wait, that can’t be right… the PRICE just DROPPED!!!

Well, I have to go… I think I need to see what all the fuss is about. I mean, uh…well, all right I just got one, but at that price who wouldn’t… I mean that’s great! A price drop! Did I mention I love my iphone? It’s the greatest thing since toilet paper. Yes, I think it is that essential, thanks Steve Jobs and Rush Limbaugh!! Why Rush? Because he never uses a phone and he bought 40 iphones… so I knew it had to be good. I mean it is that good.

What do you think about the iphone? Let me know on the forum.

*this article was featured on October 10, 2007