*This article was written by our good friend Steve Leopold.

Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. Others say you should be the better man and let it go. I go by the philosophy of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. In my case, my car has been smashed into, furniture has been turned upside down… even the water fountain in the front of my house has been urinated in. So sticking with my philosophy… what would this man want done to him? After all, he must be doing to others what he wants done unto him. Of course I have to play a prank on him. You have to be careful with a man like this, you can start an endless war of pranks that will, over time, ruin your foundation of living.

In order to stop this behavior you will have to do some thinking. The revenge has to be satisfying visually and impact him emotionally. Hit him where it hurts. In order to do this you must know what kind of guy this is. In my case he loves his cars, no matter how crappy they are. While I’m thinking of a particular prank to pull on his car this fellow plows into my car (you can see this video on “What to do about your beater car”) Screw it, no planning just frustration and anger. I go immediately to his house with a golf club and smash his rear windshield. The pressure is gone, I feel relieved. To sum up the moral of this story, if you are faced with a battle of revenge do it at your most angry, hateful moment and you will see the best results.

PS: He hasn’t come near my property or called me since.