I am going to take the first sentence of this post and use it to tell you not to ever wear fake eye glasses in order to look cool. You are cool just the way you are. There were some good ideas found within your statuses today, go ride a bike, stop ingesting caffeine, don’t eat at restaurants with body parts in the name, etc.

Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “i got mooned last night on the way to eat at BUNS” – (good thing you weren’t on your way to eat at HOOTERS)
2.) “When my skin is tan it looks so good I want to eat it sometimes… so… no tattoos for me” – (I like that, all natural, no artificial colors.)
3.) “does anyone else think wearing a sophisticated pair of fake eye glasses is cool?” – (Nathan Mallon doesn’t)
4.) “Come&Live!!! www.myspace.com/comeandlive
5.) “and in case you missed it…here’s a word on skinny jeans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nxw0_Pxymyk
6.) “”Let’s bring about social justice w/o socialism. Let’s give w/ such charity that it changes the world.” –Dave Ramsey
7.) “Will someone kick me if they ever see me ingesting CAFFEINE? Gotta STOP.”
8.) “Our new record IT HATES YOU hits shelves today!” – (As long as IT doesn’t HATE ME.)
9.) “austin kearns slides into first and a half base http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfhz4iTu-QA
10.) ” Breathing in…breathing out…enjoying the sun-kissed trees waving in the breeze outside my window…and takin’ a moment to be thankful….” – (This status is a breath of fresh air, breath it in, breath it out.)

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