Our local Whole Foods Market has a special occurrence on the first Tuesday of every month: Dime Cookie Day. On this special day the bakery at Whole Foods bakes special cookies that they sell for ten cents… ten cents!! What a great idea! Sure they are small cookies… but ten cents!

So… last month something happened and I was unable to make it to Whole Foods for this event. I almost missed it this month but a dear friend just happened to remind me. Yes, I know, what a great friend!

In light of the occassion, I arranged a whole slew of people to come out and hang at Whole Foods in honor of this event… well, not really, it was really for the gelato. Anyway, I arrived early with WTDA Terry and WTDA Nate…

To my great dismay the bakery did not bake the special cookies on Dime Cookie Day! They forgot! My first thought was Dime Cookie Day is a sham! A sham I tell you… they promise little golden rays of sunshine and when you get in the door they lick your cookie, throw it on the floor and stomp on it. Farewell golden rays of sunshine.

How could you forget to bake cookies for Dime Cookie Day? The bastards. I, however was not upset or outraged… I remained calm, cool, and rationale. I walked up to a cashier and graciously inquired about the event for which I had waited a whole month for. She graciously allowed me to get any of their regular cookies at the ten cent price. Now that is good service! Heeellooo. You won me back as a customer with your excellent customer service. Whole Foods will now stay in business.

As I mentioned Dime Cookie Day is at Whole Foods Market in Green Hills, TN on the first Tuesday of every month. Next month I expect to see you there, but now that I have said this they will probably discontinue this event.

Just out of curiousity, are you a dipper? You know… a dunker. Do you dunk your cookies in milk or eat them separately?