It has been over a month since I’ve posted a Top 10 Facebook Statuses post, but it’s back by semi-popular demand!

Today’s best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “Lotion stand guy at the mall tried to talk to me, said it wasn’t about lotion. I asked what is it about. He said “ummm, something else?””
2.) “It is better to destroy than to create something meaningless” – ( brings meaning to nothing.)
3.) “can’t believe I am home before 11. Time for Yuengling and e-mails on the balcony.” – (I never see emails on my balcony, guess I just need to keep my eyes open.)
4.) “is getting things done; knocking tasks off the to do list right and left. mostly left.” – (I knock mine off in the middle sometimes.)
5.) “Whole Foods, you complete me!”
6.) “My power just went out and I can’t find my pants.” – (As long as your pants don’t go out and you can’t find your power.)
7.) “Double ugh with a side of ugh.” – (UghUgh, ugh)
8.) “Enjoyed a great morning walk with my husband.” – (I’ll give you 3 guesses who the husband is.)
9.) “one minute you’re chompin on a burger, the next minute you’re dead meat.”
10.) “I run in the pack of awesome…” – (Yeah, you keep bumpin’ into me gosh darn it!)

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