Ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure to have the pleasure of introducing you to a good friend of ours Jeremy Sykes. Jeremy will be giving you some golden information on a regular basis and in short easy to digest bits. He comes to the What To Do About family with a highly decorated career.

For twenty years Jeremy was a meteorologist with channel 5 news in Oklahoma City. He was a regular on the storm chasing team and documented several major tornadoes including two F5’s. He then worked for five years at NASA continuing to study weather and help to ensure safety in satellite and shuttle launches. Now, luckily for us, he has decided to settle down in Nashville, TN.

Now, you know us here at What To Do About like the weather. If you have ever read the WTDA Weekly then this is not news to you. The weather is always changing and is always good to talk about because it is always new. So what is the point of this article? Well, being that we like to know the forecast for the day, Jeremy has offered to provide us and our readers a daily forecast so that we can best know how to prepare for the day.

We will let you know the daily forecast as only we at can. Most likely it will be via Twitter, so if you don’t follow WhatToDoAbout on twitter then you can do so here. The updates will also be posted on the website.

Now for a word from our main meteorologist:
“Hello What To Do About readers, it’s good to be with you. Between the guys at What To Do About and my wife constantly nagging, I figured I had better give the fans what they want and give me some peace and quiet.

As you already know, I have had quite the career but I have enjoyed it mainly because it keeps me out of the house. If it is not too much trouble, indulge this old man by reading my weather updates on What To Do Kind wishes, best regards to you… don’t let the door hit you on your college attending, ipod toting, twitter updating, emo pants wearing keister.” – Jeremy

“The weather is on tap and I am thirsty and it’s free!”

“The breeze was blowing, the sun was shining, and fair maidens were singing in the distance.”

“it’s raining cats and dogs right now. Well, not really… it’s raining water. Stupid cats and dogs.”