I will have to admit that I never thought this would be a problem. My wife has been pretty chill ever since I met her, so this new found revenge is a surprise to say the least. She has also been working out a ton so that may have something to do with it also. It’s really exciting being able to be strong enough to fight back and well, frankly, it has gone straight to her head.

I don’t do much to the woman, an occasional pinch in the pants or maybe I will jump out from behind something. I can’t really remember too much of why she would be so bent on revenge. I do remember doing the dutch oven a couple or ten times, then there was the pushing while she was showering, but that was just funny. Despite all this I still can’t think of anything that would spark so much anger, she is so meek I didn’t think she would at all mind if I hid her clothes after her shower. It could be the time that I acted like I was dead, floating in the tub, but I doubt it.

She does let me write about her alot and says that “as long as people laugh, it doesn’t matter what you say about me”. I thought that was cool, she is cool… it was a cool thing to say. Still I can’t think of any reason to fight back, I mean it’s all good fun like the other day when she said don’t throw me in the pool, but I just assumed she was being shy and threw her in anyway.

Oh wait, maybe it was the time when I reached my hand in behind her and tickled her like a spider and she friggin flipped out. Maybe the time when I turned off the shower, or yesterday when I dumped ice water on her. Yeah, she hates… maybe that is why the other night while I was trying to take a pee before bed she decided it was time to snap and push me.

Yeah she pushed me hard and I peed all over the place, man that made me mad. I guess I deserved it. She laughed long and hard about that. So much so that she was shaking the bed for about 30 minutes, I think that made it even worse.

What to do about teasing your wife? Stop it.