Well good day! Are you having a good one? You know what they say? If life is handing you lemons make some lemon gelato!

I am having a great day, as a matter of fact, I am having a great week! It’s so great that I decided to celebrate by not leaving the house. This was a good idea till the dog entered my bed at about 8 in the a.m.

My son brought the pooch down after a night of intense sleeping, after which I am sure the little dog needed to pee. My concern was confirmed when my feet started getting warmer… then moist… then really stinky. This is when the dog came up to my pillow with wet feet and then I knew what happened, the dog had peed on my feet.

My wife came in and said “awe the dog must really have to pee”, I said “no he did pee… on my feet!” This was the beginning of my day off, I got up and washed my feet and took all the blankets off the bed. Off to breakfast, where my boys ate like angry bears after a long winter hibernation, stabbing and growling as they inhaled their food.

So if you missed it, I got a dog, a little chihuahua named Tank, he is pretty awesome. He is small and doesn’t really do much, that is, unless there are flip flops lying around.

The dog loves to chew up flip flops. He chews the strap right off. Not the heel or the toe but the strap! So they are destroyed, you can’t wear them again. Which is fine, because I hate flip flops, but my wife loves them and now she is down to two pairs and she is mad. I tell her “now she has a reason to wear the other 12 pairs of shoes she owns”. This is when she hit me in the arm and told me to shut up. So I did…

The dog is great and I love it, he is easy to clean up after and I think they say he should live for about 20 years, so he will be here for a while. Not like the other pets i have had that keep dying on me, which makes them very hard to pet, well maybe not… at least they will lay still.

I have 2 problems with the new dog, 1) he licks my friggin face all the time. 2) he still poops in the house from time to time. I maintain the fact that he is easy to clean up after so it’s not a huge deal, that is until I step in it.

Did I mention that he never barks? NO! Well he never barks, that was until we snipped his berries, now he barks at everything. But there will be no little tanks running around which is cool by me. I like one dog, I don’t need two, I have two boys and I can only imagine what two dogs would destroy.

If you are looking for a pet I recommend a nice little chihuahua as they are pretty awesome! If you don’t like dogs then you are better off petting yourself at least you won’t poop on the carpet…right?