I need some help in this area. Maybe that’s because I don’t care, and I don’t care because I need help. So what do I do? Maybe I should buy something for my wife, but what if I don’t have any money? Should I do something romantic for her? But what if she isn’t romantically inclined? Or how about we just hang out together for the evening and gaze into each others eyes as the fire lights up the room. Then what about the kids? They want attention too and you can’t get too romantic in front of them. Trust me it leads to questions you don’t want to answer. So the remedy is… are you ready for it?

Buy her some organic dark chocolate, give a piece to the kids then put them to bed early. Then you give your bride a nice back or foot rub and go straight to bed. Why? Because you don’t want to assume, well… you know.

Girls – just be nice and do something sweet for your husband or boyfriend with no expectations.

Guys – just be nice and do something sweet for your wife or girlfriend with no expectations. Besides, nothing says loving like a good nights sleep‚Ķ especially with quiet kids, a loose back, and a tummy full of chocolate!

Nighty night.

Remember, don’t buy your girl flowers, buy her a burial plot and other people will bring the flowers.

Remember, flowers fade and die, but a tree is for hugging.

Remember to get your sugar some sugar cause daddy’s got a sweet tooth tonight.

For you singles out there, just go up to someone and say: “How much does a polar bear weigh?” Then say, “Enough to break the ice, Hi I’m _______.”