You wanna know something I don’t like? Well, I am gonna tell you anyway. I don’t like when I go into an establishment and then come out with my clothes smelling like that establishment. I mean, I just put on some very fresh and clean clothes… I feel really good… and then I go into Whole Foods and come out smelling like fried foods. It’s like going out to get Indian food… yeah, it tastes awesome but when you leave you smell like curry and oil.

Now you know why all of your friends are keeping a comfortable distance as they don’t want to be overtaken by your food smell and have it cling to them. There may be one good thing about the smell… it may help keep close talkers away… well, on second thought…. it takes a lot more than that to deter close talkers. So I guess you are out of luck… you just smell.

So what are our options? What oh what can we do? Let’s think. Well:

1. We can avoid all types of establishments that have fried foods or that use strong spices. That is not always a great idea because not all fried foods or sauteed foods are bad and many strong spices are very good for you. The problem usually lies in the oil that is used. Whole Foods uses a lot of canola oil which sucks.

2. We can bring along perfume, cologne, or an air freshener. I don’t really like this option cause then you just end up smelling like fried febreeze.

3. Bring extra clothes. I think this is the best option although it is probably the most inconvenient and awkward. Having to change after leaving an establishment just so that you can smell fresh can put a damper on the schedule and plans… but at least you smell fresh. And don’t forget the shampoo… especially you ladies… you don’t want to have a guy hug you and your hair smell like fried rice.

So make sure you know what type of place you are going to and then schedule time to go take showers after dinner and then the rest of the evening’s activities can resume. So for example:

1. Lunch at Sitar
2. Shower
3. Walk in the park
4. Tennis, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Pumpkin Carving, Embroidery, etc
5. Dinner at Pei Wei
6. Shower
7. Movie
8. Walk by the river
9. Jump in the river
10. Shower
11. Bed

Any additional tips suggestions, or old wives tales are most welcome.