So I live in an old yellow house (Old Yeller is her name) with a huge porch out in front. The sad but true story is that I’ve yet to spend any quality time enjoying it (the porch). I have lived in this house for over a year and a half actually and would really like to spend an evening chillin’ on the porch at some point. The problem is we have nothing on the porch, no wooden swing, no chairs, no nothin’. I have been thinking about having a ‘P Party on The Porch’ sometime, I bet you have never had a ‘P Party’ before, let alone one on the porch. What is a ‘P Party’ you ask? A ‘P Party’ is a party where people bring items to enjoy that begin with the letter P. Yes, I made this up.

So I need your help, when I have my ‘P Party on The Porch’ what should be included?

So far here is what I’m thinkin’:

Produce (All types of fruit & veggies, but especially Pineapples, Papayas, and Peaches)
Pie (I love Pie, I actually have been craving a rhubarb pie for months now.)
Pipes (I like to smoke a pipe every now and then and my porch would be the perfect place to do it.)
Pizza! (You can’t go wrong having pizza, I don’t usually eat pork but maybe I would have a slice of pepperoni since it’s a P Party afterall.)
Pistachios (A very underrated nut and great snacking food.)
Pickles (My bro makes killer homemade pickles actually, I also love Bubbies pickles.)

I’m sure I could think of more ‘P Party’ items to include at my ‘P Party on The Porch’ event but I want your suggestions, leave em’ in the comments below please. Pretty please!