bath towelsSo yeah, I don’t like using a towel twice. I could end it there but I will make the case for both. I just thought it right to tell you that I am biased right from the start.

I think that the key to a good fresh towel is a thorough drying process, like a dryer or a gentle summer breeze, not a musty smelly bathroom where excrement particles fly and bacteria are lurking. I like my towel to smell like a warm summer day after the rain has fallen, and if you listen real close you can hear the birds chirping and the bees buzzing. Now thats fresh!!

But no, still some people leave there towels hang in the bathroom over the toilet no less, and right next to the sink. You know people are going to wipe their wet hands on it or their faces, or even if there is no TP, their, well you know.

To these people I ask one question and that question is, why? Why not grab a new towel or hang it somewhere fresher? Why not dry yourself with summer freshness and not dry yourself with tiny fecal matter?

Those are just some questions I have and would like to know the answers to. Till I get them, I will continue to use my fresh towel… ah! Smells like sunshine