I guess the title really should be “What To Do About figuring out the origins of the universe and mankind”. Expelled is a documentary about free speech, and the right to have an open debate with regard to the science of the origins of the universe and mankind. The thing that makes it stand out even more is the fact that it has been suppressed in the past. Once more people are losing their jobs over the idea of open debate.  Expelled raises the question “if you can’t prove one view over another then why are we only teaching one view?” This question fuels Ben Stein the host of the movie. Join Ben as he takes this journey around the world asking the question “why not intelligent design?”
I saw this movie in a pre-screening and really didn’t know what to expect. I thought that a documentary couldn’t be that entertaining. I was wrong. What I walked away with is a real sense of what is going on. Better than that, I had a good time watching. Not only was it insightful, but the movie was also engaging, I was truly inspired.
Maybe this movie will inspire change in the U.S.A. Maybe it won’t. One of the best insights from the movie is how we all approach science from our worldview. Therefore, people who believe in God and the Bible are more likely to recognize intelligent design or creation and people who do not believe in God or the Bible are more likely to believe in evolution. Both sides will discount the other. It takes faith to believe either… what the movie points out is that faith (on either side) can and does still have intellectual evidence.
The movie, especially if taken with the understanding that everyone (read EVERYONE) approaches science with presuppositions, has some excellent points to make one ponder. Mark your calendar for April 18, 2008. We did.
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Actually, people who believe in evolution claim that it doesn't require faith to believe in it. Mostly because they say they have proofs and stuff, so just… be careful with that argument 🙂
I hear what you are saying Jason… but it doesn't really matter… what people claim or what people believe. Truth is truth whether we believe it or not. People can claim whatever they want… including us.
Why is this just about intelligent design? There are many issues in science which generate an irrational response. Cold fusion, classical quantum mechanics, plasma cosmology are three in physics and astronomy which have been taking it on the chin for years. The basic attitude Ben Stein is expressing here is identical. All you have to do is substitute one name for another. The sciences are massively corrupt with a false certainty in a new age of orthodoxy.
Why should it be an arguement when as Americans we have the right to believe in what we want. I personally find it hard to believe that I came from an organism. And if we did where is the proof? I want to see a human of our design come from an organism. Or find an organism with our DNA. In order to believe anything it takes faith to stand by it along with proof. Also why are we not seeing monkeys or Gorillas today forming into man? If my child goes to public school I do not want he/she to be forced to believe or learn something that my not be. However if it is made so not just one or the other should be taught but both or all and allow the child to make up his or her mind. It is not right for one thing to be taught and not the other all because one is called a religion but the other claims it isn't. Our freedom of speech has somehow turned one sided don't you think.
” Also why are we not seeing monkeys or Gorillas today forming into man?”
Science is based on evidence. The evidence for evolution is overwhelming. Faith is just that. It belongs in church – not in the classroom.
Faith is based on evidence. The evidence for faith is overwhelming.
Faith is just that. It belongs everywhere – not just in the classroom.
Evolution is certainly not a science based of evidence. If that were true, why are the evolitionist still looking for the missing link. Also if man has decended from the apes, like you say , why not a continuation of the same process . Instead there has not bee one bit of evidence that the changes are still taking place. After all, doesn't the evolutionist believe it took millions of years to go from nothinig to thinking man but suddenly the process stops. Unbelieveable.
If you believe in the process of evolution, why are you so set against me and those like me to want to believe we are here by a greater power called God. I believe, “In the beginning God created.” You believe what you believe and don't say that doesn't take faith, while I believe what I believe even if it takes faith.
As a Christian and an Educator my curriculum calls for me to teach the difference between fact and opinion. The text that I am given tells me that religion is an opinion, but evolution is a fact. Just because you have evidence for your opinion it does not make it a fact. Just like we can all agree that Africa and South America probably were once connected and can find much evidence to support our opinion, we cannot teach it as fact. It is a great theory. Evolution is also a great theory but with a lot of “missing” evidence. Show me something that changes species. Surely by now we could make it happen using our great science. There is ample evidence for micro-evolution, but Darwinism teaches macro-evolution which cannot even pass the scientific method test.
I fully put my trust in a God I cannot see face to face based on my experiences and answered prayers. I find the God of the Bible to be Trustworthy. I cannot scientifically prove that He exists using the scientific method, but see much evidence of His existence and choose to believe.
Intelligent Design makes assumptions, and tries to use holes in the evolutionary theory to provide as evidence. Anyone who says “there is no evidence for macroevolution” or thinks the “missing link” has not been found (several posters) has been fed lies from creationist propaganda sources. Unfortunately, the only thing this dishonest film will do is promote ignorance and scientific illiteracy.
There is nothing wrong with believing there is a designer, but to teach that Intelligent Design as an equal alternative to evolution in the public science classroom is an atrocity.
Darwinism makes assumptions. Anyone who says there is no evidence for
intelligent design has been fed lies from evolutionist propaganda.
Unfortunately people are afraid to have open and honest debate on the
origins of life. An atrocity is an extremely wicked or cruel act. An
atrocity is the holocaust…. teaching intelligent design as an
alternative to evolution is not an atrocity.
You say “there is nothing wrong with believing there is a
designer”… and you are right because there is never anything wrong
with believing in the Truth. Jesus said, “I am the way, the Truth,
and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me”
Darwinism makes assumptions. Anyone who says there is no evidence for
intelligent design has been fed lies from evolutionist propaganda.
Unfortunately people are afraid to have open and honest debate on the
origins of life. An atrocity is an extremely wicked or cruel act. An
atrocity is the holocaust…. teaching intelligent design as an
alternative to evolution is not an atrocity.
You say “there is nothing wrong with believing there is a
designer”… and you are right because there is never anything wrong
with believing in the Truth. Jesus said, “I am the way, the Truth,
and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me”