Ok. This is my second viewing of this movie and this time some things really hit home and others bothered me a bit. I saw the movie again because it is very powerful. I also went with some friends that I knew would like it. That said we had a great time and a great discussion afterward. So now I feel that I can write with a little more inspiration.
One thing I noticed was that science was god to these misguided scientists. They have spent all their time seeking global notoriety and no time analyzing their own claims. What I mean by that is they invest in something they cannot prove to deny something they can’t see because they can’t explain it. This pushes them further from the God they claim to have known, when their words deny Him. It seems as though they may have grown up in church or maybe had a sense of religion at some point, but never a true experience with God.
This is more evident with the angst and rage communicated through many blogs and in response to the movie itself. Rage is not an answer to silence the argument between intelligent design and darwinism. It only makes the pursuer, or in this case the Darwinist dumb down their own theory. You see, if you retreat to name-calling and hatred you have something to hide and in this case it’s absolute truth.
In my mind this argument will never go away as long as there are skeptics and hatred. People will always try to cover over or discredit what they don’t understand or have not experienced.
Get into it and don’t be afraid of a robust and thorough debate. This is what I will do about the movie expelled. You should too, because science is not our God.
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