It seems that scarves are the new “rage” of the fashion scene, as sported by actors and rock stars a like. I have seen scarves everywhere, on stage, on the runway, in the checkout line at the grocery, in the bathroom at a hockey game, and the worst place (time) of all: summer.

See, when the fashion stops making sense then it crosses over to nonsense. There are some things in the fashion world that are timeless and will always be classy… I don’t think however, that scarves are in that category. It’s just my humble opinion, but when you cross cold weather wear with fashion you are going the wrong direction with fashion freedom. I mean when will it stop, sleeveless shirts in the winter, ski coats in the dead of summer, I see no end to the insanity.

The real gold in fashion is the ability to make classy yet original choices, when this happens you are not the follower but the followee. You will be on the cutting edge of fashion, as you introduce things thought of by you, grabbing onto something from a celebrity that has only seen it from another celebrity. Where does it end?

So if you are out there wearing a scarf with a trucker hat with crocs and holey jeans then you missed the fashion short bus and now you will have to walk. Get out there and express yourself with timeless fashion that always give back to the community, or some crap like that.