It’s that time again, time for another man-article or as I like to call them, manicles. Your portal into the male mind, your “in” to what makes a dude tick, your guided tour to the pleasantries of being a warm blooded, red meat eating, butt scratching, fellah.

You may think you know a lot about us, for instance, the sports we like or the way we like to share our hearts with the ladies or even our tendencies with the opposite sex, to this I say fooey! You know nothing, Ok a little something, but we as males are complicated individuals with a real sense of adventure. You may also think you know about what men have to eat to “earn” their manhood, well not their manhood, but the “manhood”.
Got it? Good!

Burritos are at the top of my list of foods that make me tick, but not just any burrito, no no. It has to be the size of your head and taste good too. Much like, but not limited to a Chipotle’ burrito, it has to be a two handed meal for reasons I cannot disclose. Just know that if it doesn’t fit in both hands than it’s not worth putting in your mouth.

The burrito must be a warm one at the least, but not to the touch, more with the spice, a burrito without spice is like a girl without hair it just ain’t right. When searching for the right burrito, there is a guide you must follow, and ladies if you are looking to make up for something by buying your man a burrito (like a $200 grocery bill that doesn’t include a burrito) then you will want to listen up.

– Two hands a must
– Wrapped in foil a plus but not MANditory
– Filled with meat
– Full of wonderful spices
– Smells as good as it tastes
– Fills us up with out letting us down
– Requires a deep breath or a rest when the center is reached
– Goes great with hot sauce
– Makes us sleep when we are done

Now you can shop with ease ladies, you know what they say “the way to a mans heart is through his stomach”.

Yet another lesson learned from now get off your butt and go tell your friends.

I go get me a burrito!