I have been eating a lot of bananas of late so I thought it would be a good idea to write a bit about this interesting fruit. I actually ate 5 bananas just today. I had 2 in my morning shake and I ate 3 more throughout my day while working. Why am I eating so many bananas you may ask? I have several simple reasons.

1) They are inexpensive. You can buy a bunch for a few dollars at most, often times for less than $1 depending on where you do your shopping. Organic bananas will obviously cost a little bit more than conventional.

2) Bananas are excellent sources of Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and Potassium. Now that’s something my body needs anyways, I like that! Why wouldn’t you eat as many bananas as possible!?!?

3) Bananas are also easy to eat. You just peel back the bright yellow skin (if you like them just ripe that is) and enjoy! There is usually no mess or sticky fingers as the result of eating a banana. I mean how annoying is it when you eat fruits like watermelon, peaches, plums, or even an apple and the juice runs all over your hands and drips on your clothes. Eating a banana is just easier and saves time.

And finally…

4) Bananas look sweet! I think fruit that is bright and yellow looks the coolest. I mean look at a lemon for goodness sakes, the bright yellow skin and cool shape make them the perfect table decoration in the right fruit bowl. Bananas look neat as well just sitting on the countertop. Do yourself and your family a favor and brighten up the room by setting a bunch of bright yellow bananas on the table. They won’t last long!

So there you have it folks, everyone should start going bananas, I know I am!