Well, this subject varies from person to person… well, I guess any topic could really… well, anyway, back to the subject itself.

I consider myself very prompt and always arrive early. I don’t know how I acquired this habit, maybe because my wife rides me like a borrowed mule to get going because if we are late then there will be no place to sit. Or, it could be that I like to make a statement when I arrive like, “this guys on time”, something like that. Or how about I want the best seat possible because I like to sit where I want. I guess I could go on and on but we would be here for hours. So getting to it… wait I got it!  You would have to be early to save seats! That is probably the best reason I go early. Otherwise I would have to sit at the mercy of somebody else’s choice and not my own. Yep a control freak! I admit it. I need to be in control. I don’t want to go anywhere that I am told, I would rather choose. So I have to be prompt and get there first.

I know what you are thinking and yes it can be a train wreck at times but I think I have it under control or so my wife tells me. I mean, if I didn’t, we all (my friends and I) would all be sitting in different seats all over the place. Maybe that’s it, maybe I can’t stand being alone, I need people with me, so I do what I can to secure closeness so that I don’t appear weak and vulnerable.

So now that I have figured nothing out about my obsession with promptness, I will attempt to address the saving seats issue at hand. You start by using whatever articles you have on hand, this is where the lovely wife comes in. Use everything from a coat to a baby carrier, this list is endless and will vary upon location.

A word of advice, don’t let anyone tell you can’t save seats… and if you use a baby carrier or even have a baby nobody wants to sit by you anyway. So it works to your benefit, besides, who is going to tell a family with a baby they can’t save seats?

Another way to do this is to stagger yourself, sitting every other with the people (in my case wife), that are with you.

By doing this you create a barrier, people will not sit right beside you as they tend to always leave a buffer seat in between. Another good way is to be very loud… this works best at the movies. All you have to do is make obscene noises and throw stuff at each other.

Finally. Well, I am glad we got through that together. Now after reading this article I feel there are some feelings that I need to sort out so I will be calling my therapist, which is also my wife.

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