Today’s best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below. Keep in mind that today is Valentines day, a day that many love and others hate.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “says someone sedate me, quick.” – (One person is apparently having a great Valentines Day.)
2.) “grrrr apparently it’s national drive like a slow maniac and list lazily to the left day.” – (Sounds like every day here in Nashville.)
3.) “is says all you fella’s need to start rocking the “Stache”. The beard is out and the mustache is in…” – (So that’s what my problem has been!?!?!? I wish I would have received this advice a week ago, dang it!)
4.) “is hanging out with my grandpa.” – (I wanna hang out with my grandpa.)
5.) “is gonna have a kick ass Vday. UFC 95 Sanchez Vs Stevenson -Live & Free on Spike @ 9.” – (Just wondering what you’ll do when it’s your anniversary?)
6.) “kiss your loved ones today, but don’t give in to the corporate day because hallmak needs to sell more cards!!” – (Very wise council indeed.)
7.) “Anti-Valentines Partay!” – (What could be more fun than a house full of jaded & bitter love haters.)
8.) “Exploding bacon on valentines day” – (I would love to see this.)
9.) “…I need a Valentine for the day, any takers?” – (my dude got like 10 offers)
10.) “is about to take a walk with the love of my life-Jesus!” – (Great every day advice, seriously.)

Happy Singles Awareness Day!!!

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